Fansite premium account is a lifetime account that declare you as supporter of the site. Once you're qualified as premium user, you will never have to pay again and will also have access to features that may be added in the future. At the moment the premium account gives you these extra features in the interactive page:
- No ads on the interactive page
- Possibility to save as many Legendary list as you wish (normal users have only 3 lists at least)
- Exclusive access to player log analysis. Specification below
The cost of the premium account is 5€.
If you think that my work is worth more than that, you can also donate using the button on the bottom left of the page. Thanks!
Log in to fansite to make the purchase
Player log analysis
This is an advanced feature that allows you to download your log from the game, group the log by categories and make deep analysis on it. You will discover things you didn't think they even were on the log! Also data is presented in a convenient way and search through it will be much easier.
The only problem is that this feature uses a lot of resources from the web server thus cannot be opened to anyone or the fansite will shut down. That's why it has a restricted access to only premium users.
Here are there are some screenshot of the feature in case you decide that's worth the premium purchase

Img 1 Above: List of all your last resets

Img 2 Above: Last operations you made with Legendary gears

Img 3 Above: Last operations with chests aggregated in a more comprehensible way